Design Business Council > continuing education
Better clients, better work – the LEAN way
Better clients, better work - the ‘LEAN’ way I have now clocked up more than 30 years in the design industry, the last 13 years having worked with thousands of designers in seminars, workshops and mentoring through the Design Business Council. One of the things I constantly observe is that designers are too generous. They [...]
Interns, grads, why it’s harder now than then, and something for nothing
Interns, grads, why it’s harder now than then, and a freebie. In the next month or so, in Australia, there will be approximately 2000 graphic designers graduating into around 100 jobs. You don’t need to be good at math to know that’s not going to work. But before you despair, realise that some graduates will [...]
Inspiration from working in London
Inspiration from working in London It’s interesting how a range of things can come together to develop some very interesting outcomes. On our recent trip to London we had visited the Design Museum and were blown away by the practical examples of design thinking in the Cartier exhibition. The following day we were still talking [...]
Working from London
Working from London - respect for design I've long recognised that design and designers get much more respect in the UK. I think there are many factors that have led to this. For me the demonstration of this was during a recent workshop with a Melbourne based branch of a UK design agency. The CD [...]
The stuff you learn while you are learning stuff
The stuff you learn while you are learning stuff. This year I started a Strategy Masterclass to hone my skills. It’s great – I’m really enjoying it, but it’s not just the direct learning that I’m enjoying. I’m really enjoying the stuff that I’m learning while I’m learning stuff. Let me explain. Years ago I [...]