Design Business Council > designer mental health
Work, mental health and profitability
Getting the right mix of mental health, working hours and productivity in a design studio is a difficult balancing act for many business owners.
Uncle George is a problem
Am I a designer who writes or a writer who designs? And does it matter? Both words and images are integral to clear communication.
Step away from the computer
Step away from the computer If there is one thing we've learnt from hosting two years of 'designerly' breakfasts in downtown Melbourne, Australia; it's the value of simply stepping away from your computer to share / talk / eat with other creatives. As one breakfaster wrote in an email this week: for me, the breakfasts [...]
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creative business coach
Design business coaching
Design index
Design pricing
mentoring for freelancers
What I learnt about mental health
What I learnt about mental health This week we hosted an UNseminar in Melbourne. The topic was mental health in the design industry. As they say in the classics, there was a lot of love in the room – as well as some awesome speakers and great insights. Our ‘UNseminar’ MO is two guest speakers [...]
How to share your super power
How to share your super power Everyone (including us) bangs on about life-long learning and the need to continually upskill but it’s hard to know what you need to know. I can honestly say we have the answer, it’s a tried and tested method to assess what you know and what you don’t. It’s analogue, [...]
Mental health and three stages of learning
Mental health and three stages of learning Mental health and the three stages of learning are interwoven. As we move from being a fresh graduate beaming with confident incompetence to a seasoned designer feeling competent confidence, our mental health waxes and wanes. Years ago we attended How Magazine's Mind Your Own Business design management seminar [...]